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Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti national park covers an area of 5,700 sq miles (14,763 sq km) and takes its name from the Maasai “siringet” which means “endless plains”. The vast park has several different types of vegetation areas. To the north is an area of wooded grassland that follows the watercourses of the Mara and Grumeti rivers and their tributaries. The western corridor consists mainly of wooded highlands which stretch towards Lake Victoria. The south, around the Ngorongoro highlands, is much dryer and is made up predominately of short and long grass plains while in the center lays a swath of acacia savannah.

The Serengeti is justly famous for the great wildebeest migration where driven by the grass growth from the rains, over one and a quarter million wildebeest together with two hundred thousand zebra trek to new pastures. The Serengeti has a vast number of mammal species including elephant, lion, cheetah, leopard, buffalo, hippo, crocodile, rhino, zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, impala, Thomson’s gazelle, Grants gazelle, hartebeest, topi hyena, roan, Oryx, kudu, eland and many, many more. The birdlife of the Serengeti is profuse with over 500 species.