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Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara national park is a charming little park located at the foot of the Rift Valley depression and is a total of 202 square miles (523 sq km). The lake, which is two thirds of the entire park, is home to many birds with more than 380 species recorded including flamingos, storks, pelicans, marabou, Egyptian geese, spoonbills, ibis and osprey. The park is also home to elephant, buffalo, hippo, lion and leopard. The forest, which covers most of the rest of the park contains acacia, euphorbia candelabra, crotons, sausage trees, baobab and giant fig trees.

Lake Eyasi, set in the western arm of the Great Rift Valley and lies at the foot of the escarpment, not far from Lake Manyara and the Ngorongoro conservancy. It has a large lake with attractive scenery and is a refuge for many bird colonies. The views in this area, where the Masai plains sweep up to the wall of the Rift Valley escarpment, are particularly scenic as are the nearby extinct volcanoes.