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Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater with an area of 100 square miles (260 sq km) is in fact only a small part of this vast reserve which measures 3,154 square miles (8,280 sq km) – add the Serengeti, Maswa, Grumeti and Masai Mara and you have an area totaling more than 9,500 square miles (24,600 sq km) where wildlife migrates continuously. In addition to the incredible beauty of the crater itself – the first vision from the rim is unforgettable – it is remarkable to see so many animals together in a place of relatively modest size. The Rim of the Crater is 7,216 ft (2,200 m) above sea level and the bottom of the caldera is 1,968 ft (600 m) Most of the wildlife and birdlife found in the Crater is also found in the Serengeti.