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Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park in western Uganda occupies 772 sq miles (2000 sq km) between Lake Edward and Lake George and forms part of the western Rift Valley and frequently gives views of the Ruwenzori Mountains. It is divided in two by the Kazinga Channel that runs between the two lakes. Whilst a large proportion of the park consists of grass savannah, the two halves of the park have differing attractions which include craters in the north, some with lakes in them and wetlands around Lake George. Kyambura Gorge is an interesting walking experience with the possibility of seeing chimps at certain times of year. The southern end of the park is more heavily forested and the south east hosts the Maramagambo forest. Interestingly, the Ishasha area of Queen Elizabeth Park has tree climbing lion. The park has large numbers of game which include elephant, buffalo, lion, hippo, Uganda kob, bushbuck, waterbuck, chimpanzee, topi and several monkeys. Birdlife is especially rich along the Kazinga Channel with pelican, fish eagle, cormorant, kingfishers, saddlebill stork and Shoebill stork near Lake George. A boat trip, run by the wildlife authorities, up the Kazinga Channel is a fascinating experience.